oct 2020 - dec 2021

Distance learning for vulnerable adults

Adult education organizations are facing challenges that arise from COVID-19 pandemic, which happened suddenly and is and will continue to affect adult education in the future. More than 70% of adult education participants are vulnerable adults who, especially now, need the knowledge and skills to act in the new conditions brought by the pandemic. We are all using different distance learning strategies and methods, but because of vulnerable groups specific characteristics, learning obstacles and motivational factors, known and developed strategies and methods do not work. So the proposed project idea started because we realize that we need solutions in this field as quick as possible.

Project basic aim is to develop, adapt and share good practice strategies and methods for distance learning of the indirect project target groups of adults:
  • elderly,
  • immigrants,
  • adults with special needs,
  • NEET persons (Not in Education, Employment, or Training),
  • dropouts and
  • rural population.

The direct project target group are adult education providers, counsellors and teachers.

Partner organizations:
  • Zasavska ljudska univerza – Slovenia (leading partner)
  • OÜ Vestifex – Estonia
  • Ljudska univerza Jesenice – Slovenia
  • Pučko otvoreno učilište Koprivnica – Croatia
  • Gear up – the Netherlands
  • L.C. Educational LTD – Cyprus

Short-term joint staff training events – LTT:
  • Distance learning for adults with special needs and unemployed - Cyprus
  • Distance learning for elderly and immigrants - Estonia
  • Distance learning for rural population and dropouts – the Netherlands
Project results
The first LTT took place in September 2021 in Cyprus. It was divided in 5 parts:
1) Getting to know adult education system in Cyprus (presentations, meetings, study visits)
2) Getting to know the host organisation L.C. Educational LTD activities and good practises for people with special needs
3) Workshops on distance learning practises for unemployed
4) Workshops on distance learning practises for learners with special needs
5) Reflection and evaluation

As the result of the LTT two educational packages were produced for educational practitioners:

1. Good practises of distance learning for unemployed learners

2. Good practises of distance learning for learners with special needs
Project supported
Galina Kušanova
Project manager
Phone: + 372 556 290 94
E-mail: galina.kushanova@gmail.com
Keep in touch!
+372 512 0998
Tuleviku 7 Narva, Estonia