01.03.2024 - 30.04.2026

CivicHeritage -
Improving Adult Skills and Civic Engagement While Valuing Cultural and Natural Heritage

Project Overview:
CivicHeritage aims to empower adults, promoting equal opportunities, social-labor inclusion, and access to training opportunities through engagement with cultural and natural heritage. Our project targets the enhancement of local cultural assets and the bolstering of disadvantaged adults and their communities.

Our mission is to:
1. Promote and enhance local cultural heritage by involving disadvantaged adults and their communities.
2. Develop innovative methodological approaches that leverage the richness of cultural
heritage to train and empower adults.
3. Improve access for adults to training, jobs, entrepreneurial opportunities, and social life.
To achieve these objectives, CivicHeritage will implement several key activities:
1. Develop three core educational resources: a Competency Framework, a Training Kit, and a Handbook for professionals.
2. Launch an e-learning hub to facilitate online education.
3. Pilot test the developed resources to refine and optimize their impact.
4. Execute an online campaign to raise awareness and engagement.
5. Organize 7 multiplier events and various dissemination activities throughout the project lifecycle.
6. Hold 8 transnational partnership meetings to ensure efficient management and coordination.
7. Conduct thorough evaluations for quality and impact assessment.

Expected Results:
CivicHeritage anticipates impactful tangible and intangible outcomes, including:
● Tangible Results:
○ A Competency Framework to standardize and guide learning processes.
○ A detailed Handbook for professionals involved in training and empowerment.
○ A comprehensive, ready-to-use Training Kit.
○ An open-access Online Training Hub (OER), freely available for educational purposes.
○ Project branding and promotional materials to bolster visibility and outreach.
● Intangible Results:
○ Enhanced institutional capacity and innovation.
○ Strengthened competencies of professionals in cultural and training sectors.
○ Improved social and linguistic skills among project partners, with an emphasis on English proficiency.
○ Strengthened regional and national partnerships.
○ Enriched experience and cooperation in intercultural contexts.

Project partners:
OÜ Vestifex - Lead partner
Forum Citoyens - Burgers asbl Belgium
Cooperativa Sociale San saturnino onlus Italy Lazio Rome - www.coopsansaturnino.org
ISTANBUL VALILIGI Türkiye İstanbul ISTANBUL - www.istanbulab.gov.tr
VsI Skudutiskio akademija - www.skudutiskis.lt

Through CivicHeritage, we aspire to create a sustainable impact that enhances the skills of adults and fosters a deep appreciation and understanding of cultural and natural heritage, contributing to a more inclusive and engaged society. Join us as we explore the past to empower the future.
Project supported
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Galina Kušanova
Project manager
Phone: + 372 556 290 94
E-mail: galina.kushanova@gmail.com
Keep in touch!
+372 512 0998
Tuleviku 7 Narva, Estonia