1 January 2022 – 30 June 2024

Media education for all: digital citizens criticize and combat fake news

MediAware Under the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2: Strategic Partnership Projects Project Number: 2021-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-000035659
MediAware project aims to achieve to foster competences for advancing active citizenship by detecting and tackling misinformation and fake news using dialogical and empowering methods. Misinformation and spreading of fake news is a time critical issue.

MediAware project will be implemented in the framework of UNESCO definition of media and information literacy defined as "[…] enables citizens to understand the functions of the media and other information providers, critically evaluate their content and make informed decisions as users and producers of information and media content." It includes the ability to recognize how information have been produced, understand the codes and languages of a message, have the ability to interpret a story and identify the values and views of a message and the construction of reality, the ability to distinguish "true" and "false" news.


MediAware project will implement the following activities:

1. Design and development of three intellectual outputs (IOs) about misinformation, fake news and active citizenship: A Handbook, a Training kit and a e-Learning Hub

2. Pilot and test the above IOs in the six partnership countries with educators and adult learners

3. Disseminate and share the project results with a large panel of users (educators), beneficiaries (learners) and organisations active in adult's formal, informal and non-formal training settings.

4. In addition to these specific activities, transversal ones will be also implemented, namely MANAGEMENT activities will stretch over the full duration of the project covering planning, coordination and management, evaluation of the project, as well as dissemination and exploitation of its results and intellectual outputs.


The following Intellectual Outputs will be developed:

1. MediAware HANDBOK - IO1: a guide for educators entitled "Media, Citizenship and Democracy", a pedagogical handbook including theoretical & basic concepts, training methods, tips and exploitation guidelines about "misinformation, fake news and active citizenship".

2. MediAware TRAINING KIT - IO2: a training kit supported by a toolbox entitled "Fact-checking, the actions you can use", aimed at susceptible young people and adults to enable them to carry out their own fact-checking and to put into practice what they have learned in theory.

3. MediAware EDUCATIONAL DIGITAL HUB - IO3: an e-learning platform for open access use which will have 2 thematic objectives:


A consortium composed by 7 partners from 7 different EU countries:

1. CFL – Sweden (Applicant)
2. FCB – Belgium (Partnership coordinator)
3. ITC – Spain
4. IASIS – Greece
5. Fip – Irland
6. COOSS – Italy
7. Vestifex – Estonia

Project supported
Galina Kušanova
Project manager
Phone: + 372 556 290 94
E-mail: galina.kushanova@gmail.com
Keep in touch!
+372 512 0998
Tuleviku 7 Narva, Estonia